Saturday, April 28, 2007

progress TA 1

final result , won't change any more tool , any library more :
>> Netbeans 5.5 + visual webpack
>> JSF framework
>> Jasper Report
>> WMA (JSR ...) --> u/ send & retrieve sms
>> LBS (JSR 179)--> pengenalan lokasi nya
>> Rational Rose
>> Power Designer 9
>> JDK Sonny Ericsson
>> Wireless + J2ME + Netbeans mobility pack

Thursday, April 26, 2007

One of the best things we can do in our lives is this:

Some good Advice for Me , and for anyone who's lost their own starting point

To solve any problem or to reach your goal, you don't need to know all the answers in advance. But you must have a clear idea of the problem or the goal you want to reach.

All you have to do is know where you're going. The answers will come to you of their own accord.

Don't procrastinate when faced with a big difficult problem, break the problem into parts, and handle one part at a time.

If you can get up the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed.

It's the job you never start that takes the longest to finish.

Don't worry about what lies dimly at a distance, but do what lies clearly ahead.

Your biggest opportunity is where you are right now. Once you begin you're half done.

when you realise you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody You want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible

Do not put limits on yourself.
So many dreams are waiting to be realized.

Decisions are too important to leave to chance. Reach for your peak, your goal and you prize.

Nothing wastes more energy than worrying. The longer one carries a problem the heavier it gets. Do not take things too seriously. Live a life of serenity, not a life of regrets.

Realize that it is never too late.
Do ordinary things in an extraordinary way.

Have hearth and hope and happiness.
Take the time to wish upon a start.

Believe in your heart that something wonderful is about to happen.

Love your life.

Believe in your own powers and your own potential and in your own innate goodness.

Wake every morning with the awe of just being alive.

Discover each day the magnificent awesome beauty in the world.

Explore and embrace life in yourself and in everyone you see each day.

Reach within to find your own specialness.
Amaze yourself and rouse those around you to the potential of each new day.

Don't be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect.

This is the essence of your humanity. Let those who love you help you.

Trust enough to be able to take.
Look with hope to the horizon of today for today is all we truly have.

Live this day well.

Let a little sun out as well as in.

Create your own rainbows.
Be open to all your possibilities - All possibilities and Miracles.

Always believe in Miracles.

Boleh dunk , aq bermimpi ? Boleh dunk , aq berusaha sekuat tenaga mewujudkan mimpi itu ? Boleh kan ! ?!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Chayo ! Fighting ! Ganbate !

You see,
you can do anything
if you put your focus on how to do it
rather than on why you can't

This is What I call Challenge

Remember, Dreams will never hurt you ,
until you hurt yourself by always seeing the dark side ,
the failure
than the bright side , the joy of success

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Damnly Guilty

Lia paling ga suka dengan ketidakadilan
2 Kali ketidakadilan itu terjadi ke Lia
Dan ketidakadilan itu menempatkanku pada posisi sulit

Menyesal aq !
Menyesal aq berada pada posisi itu
Menyesal aq tidak datang di ultah terakhir mu Januari kemarin
Menyesal aq !

The most beautiful words in the English language are 'not guilty'.

Misfortune shows who's friends really are !

7 days after she's gone ...

Don't know what 2 say , n what 2 share
The whole one week, i can't focus 2 anything
Just do useless things with no purpose

But this morning
As you know i've never exercised for the past 3 years
coz i'm kind of lazy or have no time to do that (I deliberately don't like sports )
aq harus nuntun motor aq yg mogok dari kertajaya samsat ampe bengkel gebang
Dasar bodoh , knp mikirnya cmn bengkel di gebang , knp g kepikiran bengkel lain yg lebih Dkat !
Lumayan lah olahraga pagi buat aq
Alhasil asistensi pikti pagi aq minta tolong dengan sangat ke feqi gnti in

During the journey 2 the service motor , all i think is about surroundings
Usually in the morning , I got busy with my own daily activities , have no time or opportunities to see the beauty of sun rise , to see the strugle of Marginal people and so on

BUt this morning i got this chance

TA aq dah ditagih , tapi aq masih null ..
hiks .. hiks

KOq sepertinya aq ingin menghindar
berlari menjauh
Nah kalo lari terus
kapan mari ne ?
Kapan selesainya !

Ooops, I just want to attend "mobile content 4 3G workshop in Jakarta - Involve in E~Volve" which's held by Erricsson, But have no friend to accompanied with... So ...
Jadi bingung , biasany aq ajak lia , dan skrg dia g ad ...

Sunday, April 8, 2007

May Her Memory be Eternal, May Her Souls Rest in Peace

The Gifts of Life, however dear, must sometime pass away...
Yet love and memories remain - - - Eternal gifts that stay

Akhir nya perjuangan lia berakhir sudah
Berbulan - bulan di dera penyakit
Berganti dokter dan rumah sakit demi mendapat diagnosa terbaik
Minggu demi minggu menahan sakit
Sambil tetap menunjukkan senyum terbaiknya ke semua sahabat

Maaf kepada teman - teman Lia yang lain
Maaf kepada teman - teman Lia yang tiada tahu kabar tentang lia selama sakit
Semua ini permintaan Lia
Agar tidak semua orang tau, Lia sedang berjuang
Baru di saat benar - benar kritis , sang Mama memperbolehkan memberitahu kondisi Lia yang sbenarya
Demi memohon doa diberi yang jalan yang terbaik bagi nya !

Berada disamping nya saat Lia tiada
memeluk tubuh kecilnya
meraba pergelangan tangan nya yang memerah penuh bekas suntikan infus
Saat dokter berkata "tiada harapan lagi"
Amarah memuncak tetapi saat melihat lia kesakitan tiap detiknya
Hingga akhirnya segala alat kedokteran dilepas dari tubuh mungilny
Aq hanya bisa menangis
Do Nothing but Cry

Saya yakin
Lia meninggal di hari Baik , Jumat , Subuh pula
Dan karena penderitaan nya yg tiada tara terutama karena salah satu penyakitnya menyerang bagian pencernaan.
Karena rasa sakit yang luar biasa yang dialaminya disamakan dengan jihad
Janji surga u/ nya
Apalagi yang Sholat u/ Lia banyak
Semoga Lia tersenyum simpul dan diterima di sisi Kanan Nya
Selamat Tinggal Lia ...

Terimakasih bersedia menjadi sahabat Aq
Terimakasih bersedia bejibaku bersama selama 4 tahun ini
Terimakasih atas segala nasihat , petuah menangkis keegoisan aq
Terimakasih Smua nya Lia
Keberadaan Mu selama 21 Tahun Kehidupan mu
sudah cukup memberikan arti yang siginifikan

Selamat Tinggal sahabat ku
Selamat tinggal mantan teman kos ku
Selamat tinggal teman pengkaderan ku
Selamat tinggal tutor kuliah ku
Selamat tinggal motivator utama ku
Selamat tinggal Saudara kecilku

Ibarat Meja , aq dah kehilangan satu kaki
Kesemua pijakan goyah
Ketiup angin , aq pun akan jatuh terguling
Aq akan berusaha berjuang
melanjutkan Cita - cita mu
Memberikan contoh terbaik buat adik - adikmu

Lia,Didit belum bisa menyadari bahwa dirimu tiada
Didit masih asyik dengan dunia nya
ketawa bahagia , masih seperti anak kecil tiada dosa
Danang yang paling tergoncang
I Wish U know that , He finaly showed his loving emotion 2 U

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

hope ... pray .. sad .. mode on

What will you do when your lovely best friends the one who always there 4 u the one who always care after u the one who always help u hand in hand got in to big trouble.

N it's a matter of death n life.

But u can do nothing just to ease her pain.

All u can do just pray , cry ... weep all the time :(

Seems uselesss what u're able to do .

Then u just stuck in the middle of nowhere asking what u shouldn't ask, do stupid things, get angry to the god , something that u're not allowed to do.

feeling hopeless ...

Again i'll loose my precious .. pricelesss .. friends , sister ...

TA ... Koq terus ! There's something crucial right now than it ... !