Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Surabaya , December 20th 2006

Today is a real bad day for me . Number of hours I wasted just for “Network Security”. Code And make some program about encryption .Finally i could do it deliberately with Netbeans 5.5
Oh God , I hate living like this. I just want to cry . I feel lonely. I’ve done nothing except duty , homework and so on…….. Aq Sebel. Bloody hell my life is s***.

the truth is that every time a door closes behind us , the rest of the world opens up in front of us. All we need to do is stop pounding the door that is now closed , turn around , and see the largeness of life that now lies open to our soul

Parker J Palmer

Can you imagine there’re plenty of stuff that need to be done this week . Business Simulation with ARENA .. Oh NO !!!!!!! I ask KaitoKid the one i dunno know about to make it possible to be done N deadline is tomorrow , it means this night i’ve to stay till late doing it ... hiks ... hiks ... hua ... hua ARENA is one of powerful tool to make a simulation with ant statistical problem from exponensial distribution till poison , and the good thing is It also capable to be IDE for programming (coding) using Visual Basic (VB) Language. It can also connect and generate excel , any kind of nice report , visio , and the best part is it can change design of simulation of business the way we like .

And the next day , Software Quality ‘s waiting . It’s also absurd assignments , without clear description , no boundary , with strict and uncapable lecturer.From googling , i evaluate my faculty website with sitesweeper and website evaluation tool from the internet , and ther result , is terrible sites , with hundred of problem such as broken link and bla .. bla

It also means that tomorrow i must sleep again in Lab

And what about “ My Work“ ?? I luv (vs 2005) ,it make you code in a simple way :) But too much modul that need also to be done before the end of december. Oh no ...

Feeling so sad , so blue , so alone , no wortel for the next new year , no wortel for this christmast

Hiks .. hiks .. hua .. hua..

How about my final project , the untouchable ones

Oh God sometimes Just pray

Please send me to your next place

I get depressed here

I get bored & sometimes feeling underpressure here

I hate my boring life

This kind of emptiness

This kind of tiny little sorrow

This kind of bad feeling

This kind of blurry objectives

This kind of pain in the heart

Some thing seems want to come out

Some thing tend to errupt immediately

Is it because of my disease ???

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